I am not in human resources. I am not in personnel. However, over the years, I’ve been given the task of hiring people for my department. I place the ads, contact the career services offices at local schools, schedule and conduct the interviews, and this is all in addition to my normal workload. Therefore, when I schedule an interview, I also have to schedule the rest of my day around that interview. What do I dislike more than the interviews themselves? People not showing up for said interview without an email or a phone call.
I never used to have this problem. But now twice this year, I’ve had no-shows. In August, I had at least two, maybe three. And now again, I’ve had two no-shows. The disturbing part about the August interviews was that the candidates seemed genuinely interested in the position. One I had spoken to several times before scheduling. Another I spoke to on the phone the very morning of the appointment. I just don’t understand.
Maybe they got another offer before their appointment with me. Sure that’s a tad disappointing, but I would at least like a short little email – “sorry can’t make it. no need to reschedule.” Then I could go about my day at my normal pace and schedule.
P.S. If you are a no-show, don’t send in your resume a few days later as if nothing happened.
People are just careless idiots. That’s my personal statement on life.
And you can bet your bottom dollar Mel Brooks made sure ‘the knockers’ joke was in the musical.