My motivation for seeing Nowhere Boy was that young John Lennon was played by Kick-Ass Aaron Johnson. The late Beatle, even as an awkward teen, was a far cry from the shy, dweebish wannabe action hero, and I thought it would be interesting to see the one so soon after the other. Even knowing going in that the story was about John Lennon, at times I would forget and think I was watching Paul McCartney’s story (confusing!). I’m not sure why – maybe I haven’t watched A Hard Day’s Night enough times (just the once), or maybe I can blame it on Mr. Johnson or the screenwriter for not making a caricature of Lennon’s younger self (joke!). It was a tragic story, and the guy sitting in the next seat assured me it was accurate, since Britain’s Channel Four was involved. I see that the story is taken from Lennon’s sister’s memoir, so I’m satisfied. Great performances all around, and a pretty good story even if you forget John, Paul, and George grow up to be famous. [Nowhere Boy plays again at the Admiral on 27 May at 7pm]
I love your film descriptions Mo-NEEK-a! And wish I were there to attend a SIFF film with you! Being a bit of a Beatles fan, I do like the sound of ‘Nowhere Boy’!
It’s the St Kilda film festival right now, I noticed today – shall have to go and watch something in your honour!
love Meg