I went to see X perform at the Showbox last night. I figured since I paid $40 for it, I should go ahead.
I got there just before doors opened at 7. I took up a seat in The Green Room with my vodka tonic and watched everyone go in. Last night was the all-ages show, so there was quite a variety of people attending. Little junior high kids with their parents, high schoolers, college kids, middle-aged peeps and the elderly. Who doesn’t like X?
The openers were the Skybombers and Mark Pickerel‘s band, and I assumed they would be playing in that order. I had no idea who the Skybombers are, so when I heard the music start downstairs, I stayed put for a second drink. Figuring I should give them a little bit of a listen, I headed in to the Showbox for the end of the set. Dang it if it wasn’t Mark Pickerel on stage. I got to hear 2 or 3 songs at least.
The Skybombers are a very enthusiastic quartet from Melbourne, Australia. Hugh, the lead singer, reminded me a little of Jason Schwartzman in Rushmore. The guitarist, Sam, looked like a baby Roger Daltrey, but maybe a wee bit taller. Ravi played a pretty mean bass. And poor Scottie was off in a shadowy corner, keeping the beat. They had good energy, and a few catchy songs, but I won’t be buying their album.
I held my ground near the stage. Not within spitting distance, thank goodness, but close enough for a very good view. Finally X came out to play. Exene was dressed in a black maid’s dress with a multi-color printed apron. She looked very much the sweet ol’ lady (which she will be in the fairly near future). Billy Zoom winked, smiled, and generally mugged for the crowd and their cameras. DJ Bonebrake wore a Jack in the Box t-shirt (I missed a good chance to take a snapshot). And John Doe was . . . John Doe. They played all the favorites as if they really did want to be there. It was pretty nice to see.
I ended up being on the edge of the “mosh pit” as it were, a place I haven’t been for quite a few years. It was sometimes annoying, sometimes invigorating to see the mixed crowd slamming, skanking, whatever it was they felt like doing. There were tiny little girls and tall, hulking guys all plowing into each other. No one got hurt (not like the old days). Maybe tonight at the over 21 show someone will at least get a busted lip.
I couldn’t convince myself to take my digital camera with me, but I did manage to snap a distorted pic of John Doe during the first song.